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Aiden James

author : Aiden James

I began writing stories roughly twenty years ago, after pursuing a career as a singer/songwriter in Denver and later in Nashville. My writing career could’ve been a brief one, as it started one night when it was my turn to read a bedtime story to my two young sons. Rather than read the ‘Mouse birthday book’ for the umpteenth time, I began a ramble about a mystical world parallel to our own, a world where sinister creatures sought to take a little boy into their hidden lair… forever. My first critical reviews from my young audience were mixed. My youngest child, Tyler, was enthralled about the magical place I created, and eagerly awaited more. However, my oldest, Christopher, thought it was the dumbest tale he had ever heard! Luckily, my wife, Fiona, listened nearby. She thought the idea had potential, although she kept that fact a secret until the following spring, 1997. When she suggested I create a fuller blown version of this story, it marked the beginning of my love affair with writing stories.\n\nI wish I could tell you that the experience has always been a glorious progression, where crafting characters, incredible landscapes with captivating plots, and surprising twists was easy. Far from it. It took nearly three years for me to complete my first novel (“The Forgotten Eden”), which was based on the bedtime story to my boys who by then were young teenagers–and another two years to decide if I liked it enough to show it to anyone else. Since then I have written and co-written more than thirty novels, along with six novellas, with more stories on the way. At present, I have just completed the debut novel for a new supernatural mystery series (The Gabriel Files) with bestselling author, J.R. Rain, entitled “The Soul Taker”, and we are already at work on the sequel “The Ghost Maker”.\n\nMy commitment to my readers is to always strive to deliver the best books possible, and to continue to grow as an author. To that end, I am open to feedback, and can be reached at my email address at, as well as on Facebook (Aiden James Paranormal Fiction Author) and Twitter (AidenJames3).\n\nAll the best,\nAiden

Aiden James Book Series